Médecins du Monde's 2023 Annual report


2023 was a particularly challenging year. Challenging for peace and challenging for people’s mental and physical health. It confirmed that not everyone has access to the treatment they need, either at home or abroad. War has taken a firm hold on Europe.
Elsewhere around the world, crises continued, sometimes with dramatic consequences. Natural disasters, armed conflicts, refugee crises, endemic social injustice: once again, people have been deeply affected.

The regulation of the international order becomes ineffective when States or parties involved in conflicts which disregard international humanitarian law (IHL). Fundamental rights and humanitarian principles can even be called into question with the tacit approval of public opinion. It is against this backdrop that, for the second year running, we lost one of our colleagues. This time it was Maysara, killed by the indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

Despite this violence and these growing obstacles, Médecins du Monde has risen to the challenges of a militant international medical solidarity organisation. It has intervened in around thirty countries, including France, to provide care, bear witness, and advocate. From forgotten crises to high-profile conflicts.

Florence Rigal, Président of Médecins du Monde